Monday, November 22, 2010

Star Wars : The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic is a new sci-fi MMORPG currently in development by Bioware and Lucas Arts.

The game is set in the Star Wars universe approximately 300 years after the events of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and 3,500 years prior to the events of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.

The story begins after an event know as the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant. The newly returned Sith Empire suddenly, and without warning, launched a surprise attack against the Galactic Republic instantly seizing dozens of star systems in the Outer Rim. The Republic fought gallantly trying to stop the Sith onslaught, but were outmatched at every turn. Finally, they launched another surprise attack, this time against the capital world of the Republic, Coruscant. After this, the Sith Empire held Coruscant to ransom, and the Republic signed the controversial Treaty of Coruscant ordering all of their troops to stand down in a galaxy wide ceasefire.

The sudden surprise attacks of the Sith Empire, had actually been orchestrated centuries before. Since being defeated by the Jedi 1,300 years early in the Great Hyperspace War, the true Sith retreated to unknown parts of the galaxy and planned to one day return and destroy the Republic. They started building a massive Imperial fleet of advanced warships, and finally the time had come for their return.

Making deals with local criminals and warlords, the Sith's time had come and they launched a massive offensive against the Republic and started pushing deep in their territory. The Sith lords engaged the Republic leaders in peace talks, but this was all a front, as the Sith Emperors master plan was now ready, sending several Sith Lords and an elite Imperial army to sack Coruscant, putting the Republic in a complete and sudden ceasefire at the mercy of the Sith Empire.

Since signing the Treaty, both sides have been recruiting vigorously preparing for the eventual war that will break out again soon. As small skirmishes and proxy wars break out, even of peaceful planets, the Treaty is ripping apart as the war starts to recommence. A time of heroes both light and dark is now here ready to fight for the fate of the entire Galaxy.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


The Trooper.
What more is there to say about the Republic's most elite soldiers?

These brave souls put their lives on the line in order to keep peace and ongoing stability throughout the entire Republic. The Republic Troopers never backed down, never surrendered, they kept fighting until the Galactic senate ordered them to ceasefire. Even today, the men and women of the Galactic Republic are willing to lay their lives down when the inevitable war with the Sith Empire breaks out again.

For decades before the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, Republic soldiers remained as strong as they were before the Great War as they are now. Perhaps not in numbers, but in their steadfast conviction to their cause. Drawing closer to the signing of the treaty, the Republic started recruiting within it's own ranks to produce the best of the best.
Consisting of only the most well trained soldiers, these new Elite Troopers are what every other soldiers strives to become.
The Troopers are well equipt to face any sort of threat that they are likely to encounter.
Troopers are outfitted in heavy armour able to withstand even the most high powered of attacks. Also carrying a heavy or repeating blaster to moe down any enemy that get in their way.

But it is not their armour or weapons that make them such a force to be reckoned with, it's in their unyielding sense of duty and complete loyalty to one another that keeps their spirits strong in the face of total doom.

Although not trained in the ways of the force as their Jedi counterparts are, they still face the same perils as they do. Accompanying their Jedi companions through the most dangerous of missions, these men and women receive complete respect from both the Order and the the Political Leaders of the Republic. Since the Jedi have returned to Tython, the Elite Troopers have stepped up to take control of the Republic defenses, awaiting the day when they will be needed to face the invincible army of the Sith Empire.

Bounty Hunter

Sparing no expense in order to rid the Empire of it's enemies. The ruthless, anonymous and infamous Bounty Hunter's make their names by fulfilling simple contracts of eliminating targets.

Far from being simple mercenaries for hire, hailing from an ancient brotherhood with a bloody, yet glorious history, Bounty Hunters are skilled assassins trained through the generations in the deadly arts. Trailing their targets through the galaxy, across multiple star systems, although not uncommon to venture into the core worlds to pursue their targets, the most of a Bounty Hunters work take place in the outer rim where targets attempt to disappear from the eyes of the galaxy.
Their abilities in the arena are also a way to prove themselves worthy of being crowned a Bounty Hunter, it also earned them the nickname "Jedi Killer" as they are one of the few who can stand against a force user, Jedi or Sith, and live to tell.

Bounty Hunters preparation before a battle is their best weapon. Although a little extra protection from the top-of-the-range battle armour won't hurt at all, artisans spend months and months of hand-crafting working on one Hunters suit ensuring that it gives maximum protection from all sorts of damage but still offering complete flexibility.

Although superior tactics and armour are a very good combination, there is still one more factor that Bounty Hunters must take into account. They must actually be able to take out their targets! The simple and messy method of using weapons such as blasters are not always the way to go. But, If all doesn't go according to plan they may have to shoot themselves out of a sticky situation, and thats where a good blaster will come in handy, it is also not uncommon for a Bounty Hunter to spend as many credits on a superior blaster as they would and entire starship.

Whether working on their own, in a group, for an organisation, for themselves, they are always on alert. Allies and colleagues can turn quickly into deadly enemies if something does not go according to plan, or even worse, if the price is right. Unsurpassable odds, deadly duels and betrayal are just one day in the life of a Bounty Hunter.